Category: VisualPage 1 of 2
Kein individueller Stil, keine spezielle Technik, kein dezidiertes Thema. Aber der immer gleiche Ablauf: Analog – Digital – Analog. Dies ist der immer wieder neu und mit immer…
What is AI? – First and foremost it is a tool – One may use it for programming java, to generate images that look like the ones of…
Kreative Videos per QR-Code Zum 45jährigen Bestehen der Zusammenarbeit von Hessen und Wisconsin haben Studierende der Hochschule Fulda, Fachbereich Angewandte Informatik, zusammen mit der University of Wisconsin Oshkosh…
The differences between states, cultures, beliefs, sexes, or people are often misused in the media or in politics for a specific agenda. Therefore this experimental movie tries to…
Inheritance is a piece for two dancers (written for the duo Roosna/Flak) using a webcam and live electronics (Max8). It deals with the fact that every generation inherits…
Concept This musical motion graphic is based on 10.000 pixels. The length of the score, the objects created and the structure of the piece are based on various…
Dystopia is a 12min video which premiered on 14. October 2017 within an installation at the Kunstnacht Schwäbisch Hall at InAtelier. The video of “Dystopia” was also officially…
Until very recently, the innovations presented to the field of music notation remained fairly conventional. However, recent developments indicate that the field of tools for musical notation is…
Idea The basic idea was to create a „book“ containing several Musical Motion Graphics (MMG). MMG are abstract animated visuals for a music notational purpose. They can however…
Kirjad Perekonnale (Letters to the family) is part of my PhD research. Actually, it is the core of my analysis how animated notation works. Therefore this concert can…